Tailai & Mulan Limited is supplying a wide range of bags all over the world. We are providing shopping bags,promotional bags,gift bags etc. We supply a great variety of material available for these bags, inclusive of non-woven, cotton, pp woven,canvas, jute, nylon,oxford,polyester,organza, satin, velvet, straw, pvc,R-PET fabric, etc. We locate our factory in Guangzhou, one of the biggest international trade cities in China and we supply totally natural, biodegradable and environmentally friendly bags throughout the whole world.
We specialize in personalized bags to meet your exact requirement in a great variety of colors and sizes. Our custom-made printed bags enable you to choose any size, shape or color with your company logo or artwork printed on the bags. We have our own design team to create the latest bag designs, who are able to offer a complete graphic design service or you can just supply your artwork to our own design if required.
Our aim is customer satisfaction. Our sales team are dedicated to taking care of all your requirements from the moment of your first contact right up to the delivery of your goods. We endeavour to give you our personal attention to ensure that we can meet your most stringent requirements. We supply products of excellent quality at a competitive price and we supply a high standard of service.
Your inquiry for quotation of your bags is always welcome. Or you can just log on to our website and talk to our sales team on Skype.